Thank you for filling in the form below to let us know how you are using the syllabus. We value your responses. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Name of institution * Job title * Are you currently teaching some or all of the TPSDA syllabus? * Yes No, but I plan to No, I don't have any plans to Which units are you teaching? * Unit 1 - What is Digital Era Government? Unit 2 - Components of Digital Systems Unit 3 - Iteration Unit 4 - User-focus & design Unit 5 - Data Part I - Uses & Opportunities Unit 6 - Data Part II - Harmful Uses Unit 7 - Working in the open Unit 8 - Overcoming Legal, Financial & Organisational Barriers None Have you credited TPSDA on your course website? * Yes No I'm not using the materials If yes, please provide a link to where you have credited TPSDA http:// Thank you for completing this form!